How To Join
Interested in becoming a Carroll County Chamber of Commerce member?
Download and print the pdf application below. When you've filled out your application, you can submit it in one of two ways:
- Scan the application and submit it to
- Drop by the Chamber in person and hand in your application:
20740 E Main St
Huntingdon, TN 38344
Carroll Co. Chamber of Commerce Membership Application (pdf)
To arrange a Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening for your Carroll County business:
- You must be a member of the Chamber.
- You must provide the Chamber with at least two weeks' advance in order to distribute information out to all our members.
- The Chamber will provide the ribbon and scissors, and will notify both The Carroll News Leader and The McKenzie Banner to photograph the event.
- Due to newspaper deadlines, it's recommended to arrange Ribbon Cuttings on a Thursday or Friday.
- Other important things to remember:
- Invite all your friends! The presence of your supporters is an important part of a grand opening.
- Customarily, refreshments are provided by the hosting member.
- You are free to advertise your grand opening ahead of time as much as you would like.